PCC has started an automatic degree awarding process. 如果你符合一个或多个条件 degrees, you may receive a notification that you are being awarded with a degree(s). Below you will find more information about what to expect after you received your 学位通知邮件. 


  • 学位通知邮件

    You received an email letting you know that you qualify OR are pending current classes 获得一个或多个学位.  In this email, it entails the graduation term, the degree/s, and how to 取消学位 if you do not want to graduate. 

    如果你愿意的话 取消学位, please reply to the email and let us know. 

  • 通过你当前的课程

    Please check LancerPlan to view your degree audit.  如果审计结果与你的不符 degree/s listed on your email notification, you may do a “What If” in LancerPlan to check your requirements and find out if you are pending specific classes.

    See Instructions on how to view your degree audit or submit a “What If” in LancerPlan 

  • If You are Earning an ADT (AA-T/AS-T) Degree

    If you are transferring to a CSU for a major that accepts your ADT degree and you noted your ADT intent on your CSU application, our evaluators will submit an e-verify 以你的名义给鉴证组. 


    1.  ADT的网站
    2. Enter your major, 太阳城集团官方网址导航 and your CSU

    如果你 没有 let the CSU know of your ADT intent on your CSU application, you will need to submit a Verification of Intent to Earn Associate in Arts/Science Degree - 转移 form 直接给你们的犯罪现场调查组.  To receive the verification form, reply to your degree notification email to request for the verification form. Once you receive the form via email, you may make copies and submit to your CSUs.     

    Once your ADT degree posts on your PCC transcript, your official PCC transcript will 成为你的验证文件.  You will no longer need to submit the paper verification form.

    你做  need to submit the verification if you are transferring as a different major (i.e. earning AS-T in Math but transferring as a Biology major).

    你做  need to submit the verification if you are transferring to a UC. 



If you do not pass a class/es required for your degree, you will need to register 又是最后一节课. Affer you add into the class/es, submit a new degree 向顾问提出申诉.

Is there a 毕业典礼 ceremony for each term (Summer, Fall, Spring)?

PCC celebrates 毕业典礼 once a year in June.

Example: Students earning degree/s in Summer 2024, Fall 2024, and Spring 2025 will participate in the June 2025 毕业典礼.

If I'm earning my degree in Summer, do I have to wait until next June to participate in 毕业典礼?

If you need 1-2 classes in Summer session to earn your degree, you may participate 在今年六月的毕业典礼上. 在申请你的学位时, remember to ask your counselor to give you verification of your Summer degree petition 等待1-2类

However, your name will not be published in the 毕业典礼 book. 而是你的名字 will be published in next year's 毕业典礼 book. 

Example: Earning degree in Summer 2024 but participating in June 2024 毕业典礼. Name will be published in June 2025 毕业典礼 book. 

Note: If you work at PCC, you will need to update your address in 人力资源.

  1. 登录到 LancerPoint
  2. 汉堡包菜单(左上)
  3. Discover > search "Update My Profile"
  4. 更新地址 & 手机
  5. Confirm if your mailing address is current.
  6. If you need to update your address, under the drop-down menu for "Type of Address to Insert", select "Mailing" and click on "Submit".
  7. Follow the prompts to update your mailing address.

Receiving an Associate degree at PCC will not impact your enrollment at PCC, your Financial 援助 or your California College Promise Grant (BOGW) at PCC. 

If you are transferring to a CSU for a major that accepts your ADT degree and you noted your ADT intent on your CSU application, our evaluators will submit an e-verify 以你的名义给鉴证组. 


  1. ADT的网站
  2. Enter your major, 太阳城集团官方网址导航, and your CSU

如果你 没有 let the CSU know of your ADT intent on your CSU application, you will need to send your Verification of Intent to Earn Associate in Arts/Science Degree - 转移 form 直接给你们的犯罪现场调查组. You may request this form by asking your counselor or submitting an online counseling request. You will need to make copies of the form and submit to your CSUs.    

Once your ADT degree posts on your PCC transcript, your official transcript will be 您的验证文件. You will no longer need to submit the Verification of 意图的形式.

你做 need to submit verification if you are transferring as a different major (i.e. 得到 AS-T in Math but transferring as a Biology major).

你做 need to submit the verification if you are transferring to a UC.

